My banner, for those who would like to link to my web site.
Visionary Craniosacral Therapy
Hugh Milne, Milne Institute
Reiko Dewey dolphinwaves.com
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Michael Kern, author of Wisdom in the Body available at amazon.com
Polarity Therapy
Nancy Risley, Ipswich MA, http://www.prieducation.com/
Mary Jo Ruggieri, Columbus, OH, http://www.columbuspolarity.com/about_us/ruggieri.cfm
Somatic Experiencing
Lael Keen, Brazil
Aaron Mattes - stretchingusa.com
Awesome Practitioners on East Coast:
Caryn McHose, Movement Therapist, Holderness, NH, http://resourcesinmovement.com/
Hope Haviland, Massage Therapist, Norwich, VT http://madagio.com/
Joey Corcoran, Mindful Rest Counselling, Winooski, VT http://www.mindfulrest.com/
Emily Meyers, Massage Therapist, Falmouth, ME http://www.aonspa.com/contact.htm
Sojourns Community Health Clinic, Westminster, VT http://www.sojourns.org/
May I introduce....
My nephew and website designer, Bourne Dewey, Professional Photographer in Geneva, Switzerland. Though separated by 8 time zones, we effectively worked together to create this site. I highly recommend Bourne for his creativity, his ability to listen, and his patience with my process in this project. I am most pleased by what we created together and the ease with which this site emerged from the ethers into cyber space. Please visit his sites at: http://www.bdphoto.ch
My son, David Madeira and Oriana Farley's not to be missed venture: Follow their journey at : http://www.cdttrek.com/welcome/
My brother, John Dewey is a lifelong inspiration to me and a catalyst for my consciousness raising quest, for myself and others. www.thechalice.net. 
My sister Joan Dewey Jones, co-founder of West Coast Style school of Mountain Biking and an extraordinary coach of world class mountain bikers. http://westcoaststyle.net/
Ronan Donovan - Nature Photographer Extraordinaire - http://ronandonovan.com/home/
Ronan grew up in our home town and was a class mate of my son's. He has travelled extensively and I want to introduce you to him as what he has captured through the lens of his camera offers each of us a step beyond where we have been. It is opportunities to step beyond through the eyes of another, that enable us to do so for ourselves. May you find his work inspires you to step beyond where you are.
My good friend, Sandra Dell, Realtor, Norwich, VT. Sandra is the kind of friend every woman should be lucky enough to have. Please consider her if you are looking to buy or sell your home. And if you are looking to relocate to Norwich, VT or Hanover, NH, be sure to have her show you my house. www.sandradell.com  |