SpiritWorks Healing Arts – November and December 2012 offerings
Adventures in Discovering
How Does Life Get Better Than This?
Something New is Emerging and I Welcome You to
Explore the Possibilities for
What you are Creating in your Life With Resources I Offer.
I now have a new venue for Private Sessions, Classes, and Gatherings
Located Conveniently between Whitefish and Kalispell.
In Addition to Full Spectrum Therapeutic Bodywork and Healthcare Education, I offer Sophisticated Healing Technologies from around the world.
v Pulsed Magnetic Resonance for EMF Toxicity (Germany)
v Amethyst InfraRed BioMat for Inflammation (Hawaii and Japan)
v Ion Foot Bath for Detoxification (USA)
v Migun Infra-Red Massage Table for Spinal Mobility (Korea)
v Inversion Table for Spinal Compression (USA)
v Chi Machine for oxygenating all you cells (Canada)
v Paraffin Baths for Arthritis and Stiffness in Hands (Holy Roman Empire)
v Nikken Magnet Mattress Pad (Japan)
Wellness Adventures with the Technologies above can be scheduled for
Groups of 4-10 for 3-4 hours @ $44 per person.
Solstice Potluck Sledding and Bon-Fire 5-12 pm December 21, 2012
“Vibrational Aromatherapy” Course beginning in January 2013.
Call now to join this fun adventure with essential oils
being offered for the first time in Montana.
I look forward to joining you on your Wellness Journey to address Health –
Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Inter-Personal
- and to Chart a Course to help you to Create the Health You Seek.
Complimentary Consultation to
Clarify your Wellness Goals and to Chart a Your Journey
Available to Those Attending a Wellness Adventure
Carolyn “Lindy” Dewey (406) 260-7098
Please Visit my website at www.spiritworks.us