“A student of life must take in each part of the body and study its uses and relations to other parts and systems”
A.T. Still, 1902. Founder of Osteopathy
A Polarity Therapy Perspective from the Ground Floor Up
Carolyn “Lindy” Dewey, MS, RPP
This article will examine Polarity Therapy, an energetic health building resource. In particular, I will review how Polarity Therapy can bring healing to the concerns identified and enlightenment to the area of our bodies that rarely sees the light of day. This area is the perineum, the part of our torso that forms the “ground floor” of a strong healthy body.
Men’s Health Concerns
Concerns expressed by both men and women regarding men’s health include:
Spiritual Concerns
I do not feel connected with my life purpose, destiny.
My responsibilities do not allow time to address my spiritual needs and to explore how to build better health.
I do not feel capable of being loved fully.
Mental Concerns
I am concerned about growing older and losing my memory and vitality.
I need ways to balance work, exercise, and family.
I (or my Partner) have concerns regarding detrimental effects of my current or past use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes.
I am obsessed with my physical appearance, muscle mass, weight, hair loss.
I worry about staying fit and healthy.
I am unable or unwilling to address my own health concerns. I ignore my symptoms until they become nagging and pervasive.
Emotional Concerns
I have difficulty dealing with my own feelings and the emotions of others.
I battle with depression, anxiety, and stress.
I do not sleep well.
I am concerned with my habits of overeating, drinking, drugs, non-loving sex, and what may be at the root of them.
I have fears regarding health issues, and do not take time for regular check-ups. Consequently, by the time I go for help, my problems are acute.
Physical Concerns
I am unaware of my body.
I have deep concerns regarding diseases in my family such as cancer of the prostate gland or colon, skin cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems.
I frequently have low back pain and shoulder pain.
I am overweight, have a low energy level, and generally feel out of shape.
I am frequently constipated.
I am concerned about possible symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland..
I have sexual concerns related to my sexuality and reproductive functions.
This list is discouraging. The good news is that all of this is reversible. The remainder of this article will illuminate Polarity Therapy as an energetic health building resource. A specific Polarity approach for improving these concerns will be illustrated.
The Polarity Therapy Approach to Health Building
Dr. Randolph Stone, also known as the “Father of Energetic Medicine,” developed Polarity Therapy in the mid 1900s. Polarity Therapy has its roots in physical medicine from osteopathy and in ancient energy knowledge from eastern cultures. Polarity practitioners study bodywork, communication skills, polarity yoga, and nutrition. The American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA), formed in 1985, developed Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics.
The Polarity model defines health as the free flow of energy through all aspects of one’s experience, including spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relationships with others and our environment.
Learning to assume responsibility for one’s own health is a basic concept of Polarity. One must clearly discern the consequences of current habits to be able to make better decisions about one’s health. Therefore, the first thing that Polarity Therapy addresses is awareness of how one’s lifestyle affects health.
Fundamental to Polarity is the concept that the body has the intelligence to create its own optimal health. Intelligent touch from a trained practitioner, energy awareness education, and lifestyle modifications in exercise and nutrition, support life energy to flow through all the body organs, tissues, emotions and thought patterns. This life energy forms a link between the mind and body and aids in resolving emotional disturbances as well as physical imbalances.
When this energy is not flowing freely, “deep and concealed energy blocks cause chronic diseases through spasm of tissue and stasis (lack of movement).” (Dr. Stone) Bruce Burger, Polarity practitioner, educator, and author of Esoteric Anatomy, explains, “We understand energy blocks as excess, confused, and contradictory mental and emotional impulses to the musculature. This discord creates tension and … affects attunement with the Soul. An energy block defines a place where it hasn’t been safe to experience … to feel.” He continues, “When it is not safe for our feelings to flow outward into expression, … chronic fear and emotional tension lodge in the pelvis.”
Conscious touch and presence affect the human energy field, restoring a free flow of energy. “Blocked energy is cleared when it is safe to be present and feeling in our bodies. … Compassionate touch through polarity energy balancing facilitates a profound safety. … In this sacred space, clients are guided to experience that it is safe to be present in their bodies. … and safe to be present with their feelings. … Presence releases blocked energy.” (Burger)
Conscious presence and knowledge of major energy flow patterns enable a Polarity practitioner to use appropriate touch to facilitate relaxation. This relaxation also creates a sense of deep calm out of which emerges clarity, new insights, and empowerment. As the energy flows freely within the body, chronic blocks of tension that exist in the muscles, bones and internal organs begin to disappear. The result is the Soul finding a free expression through the mind and body of the individual, restoring optimal health.
How Polarity Therapy Addresses Men’s Health Concerns
In the Polarity energy anatomy model, the term “polarity” refers to the dual nature of energy flow. Outward directional movement illustrates how a thought held in the mind, when moved into the world of action, takes on substance and form in the physical world. This movement is ‘yang’ or masculine due to its expanding, building, active nature. The complementary (feminine/yin) evolutionary movement from the body to the mind, reconnects self to a higher Source. This movement is contracting, cleansing, and receptive. In a healthy person, energy movement is cyclical. “In nature, all life grows through these complementary processes.” (Burger)
As identified earlier, the most prevalent men’s health concerns relate to congestion of energy flow in the pelvic area. It is in the downward yang phase of energy movement where energy is most likely to stagnate causing problems of resistance, tension and constipation. When energy does not flow, we easily become exhausted, compromising our potential for self-realization.
The pelvic area is key to health. Our vital force resides in and flows from this region. Our “seat of emotions” holds a cellular imprint of childhood issues, survival instincts, power impulses, creative drive, and sexuality. The pelvic floor, which includes the muscles in and between the buttocks, literally holds these “deep seated” feelings and unconscious emotions. The pelvis is also the home for the organs of cleansing, renewal, regeneration, and healing. The downward flow of energy rules elimination. Tension and stagnation in the pelvic region contribute to physical problems affecting the prostate gland, sexual performance, and constipation.
A person out of balance in this area may feel uprooted, forced, restless, and lacking a sense of belonging. He may become anxious, depressed, numb, withdrawn, negative, defensive, and unable to look after himself and others or to adapt to change. The result is a diffuse fear of life, awkward and uncertain behaviors, sexual difficulties, and latent rejections of any helpful support. “Pelvic tension may indicate gender issues relating to giving and receiving emotional and sexual nourishment. … The pelvis rules the way we connect with others and nourish our selves. When we feel unsafe, we tense the pelvis.” (Burger)
Polarity Therapy has a unique potential to bring relief to symptoms. Releasing the energy current from below to flow upward, reconnects the cycle, releases chronic tension and unexpressed emotions, and restores health. “We release emotional fixations from the past, and restore the integrity of the nervous system” (Burger)
The potential benefits for men are profound. The effects are subtle, penetrating, lasting, and pleasant. Dr. Stone’s illuminates benefits of this approach. “Perineal technique works like a miracle. … It often marks a turning point in the client’s life, where the past is released and healthy elimination is established. … This work has marvelous results for low back pain, sciatica, sleeplessness, neck tension, respiratory symptoms, liver functions, stomach and digestive disturbances. … Stasis (congestion) is released by this relaxation, nervous tension balanced, and circulation improved because of the energy release.”
Summary of Possible Benefits
In general, Polarity Therapy deeply nurtures and supports inner processes to regulate and restore balance to mind and body.
In particular, Polarity can have profound benefits on men’s primary health concerns, in a manner that is relaxing and restorative.
- Benefits of Polarity Therapy may include:
- deep calm and sense of well-being
- renewed sense of purpose, focus and joy in life
- clear thinking and heightened creativity
- ease in releasing bad habits
- strengthened immune system
- accelerated recovery from injury or illness
- willingness to address health issues
- ability to flow with emotions — including fears associated with sexuality and feelings of inadequacy, fear, resentment
- reduced sciatica and chronic back pain,
- decrease in shoulder, neck, and throat problems
- relief from symptoms related to hemorrhoids, constipation, prostate enlargement and sexual performance
- greater overall vitality and energy for life
NOTE: Polarity is not a substitute for regular medical care. However, Polarity Therapy can be extremely valuable in addressing these issues and in creating a greater sense of well-being.
Carolyn Dewey is a Registered Polarity Therapist in private practice in at Imagine Health in Columbia Falls, MT. She offers classes in Conscious Touch for Partners and in Energetic Health. Please call her with any questions or for an appointment at (406) 260-7098.
Myofascial Release and Integration
Working with fascia addresses the continuity of the soft tissue that provides support and protection for most structures within the human body and wraps every muscle fiber, muscle tissue, blood vessel, nerve, organ (including the heart, lungs, brain, spinal cord as well as the abdominal organs), body cavity, and bone.
Fascia becomes restricted with physical or emotional trauma, injuries, accidents, surgery, habitual poor posture, toxicity, overuse and infection, resulting in muscle tension, rigidity, headaches, structural misalignment, compressed nerves, inflammation, tissue thickening, diminished blood flow, all of which cause pain, and more muscle tension and inflammation. Myofascial work breaks this feedback loop at different places in the cycle.
Myofascial work is an integral component of Polarity, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Work, Stretching, and Osteopathy. Myofascial techniques involve a variety of approaches to address the restrictions, eliminate pain and restore motion. These include applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue to elicit a gentle tissue stretching, positional release, deep trigger point pressure, soft tissue mobilization, scar tissue releases, strain counter strain techniques, active assisted stretching, and foam rolling.
Fascial release resets muscle fiber length, restores organ function, improves circulation, flexibility, proper posture, balance and stability, fluid movement and ability to handle stress, while reducing tension, restrictions, and pain. It is an important precursor to strengthening as flexibility and range of motion need to be restored first or your body is forced into compensatory movement patterns around the existing restrictions.
This work also addresses issues of TMJ, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, and migraine headaches.
It can be an effective compliment to other therapies, surgery, and athletic training and competition.
Carol Manheim summarized the principles of Myofascial Release:
- Fascia covers all organs of the body, muscle and fascia cannot be separated.
- All muscle stretching is myofascial stretching.
- Myofascial stretching in one area of the body can be felt in and will affect the other body areas.
- Release of myofascial restrictions can affect other body organs through a release of tension in the whole fascia system.
- Myofascial release techniques work even though the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood.
Manheim, Carol. 2001. The Myofascial Release Manual. 3rd Edition. Slack Inc.